Leeds and Blades legends Richard Cresswell and Rob Hulse join 54-mile row

Richard Cresswell in his Blades daysRichard Cresswell in his Blades days
Richard Cresswell in his Blades days
A CUMBRIA Constabulary officer is due to row 54 miles with two ex-footballers for a melanoma charity.

Pc Lynn-Marie Welch, who is based in West Cumbria, will row the English Channel from Belgium to Ramsgate for the Myfanwy Townsend Melanoma Research Fund on June 8.

She will be joined by former Leeds United and Sheffield United players Richard Cresswell and Rob Hulse as well as her North Yorkshire Police colleague Pc Campbell Watt.

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The row is in memory of Bruce Craven, a former condition coach at Leeds United, who lost his battle against the disease.

Pc Welch has been following a strict training programme, which included open water training in Portsmouth and charity fundraising training rows at the David Lloyd Centre in York.

She said: “I am really looking forward to getting out on the water and setting off on this challenge. The training has been very intensive but hopefully has prepared me well for the row.

“To fundraise for such a worthy cause is great and hopefully we can raise enough money to help make a difference to people’s lives.”

To sponsor Pc Welsh visit www.justgiving.com/lufc-channelrowing.

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