Yorkshire Brexiteer Andrea Jenkyns quits Government to ensure UK does not end up 'half in, half out' of EU

Tory MP for Morley and Outwood Andrea Jenkyns with her son, who she nicknamed "Brexit Clifford" because he was born on March 29 2017 - the day Article 50 was triggered.Tory MP for Morley and Outwood Andrea Jenkyns with her son, who she nicknamed "Brexit Clifford" because he was born on March 29 2017 - the day Article 50 was triggered.
Tory MP for Morley and Outwood Andrea Jenkyns with her son, who she nicknamed "Brexit Clifford" because he was born on March 29 2017 - the day Article 50 was triggered.
A Yorkshire MP has quit the Government to argue for a Brexit which does not leave the UK "half in, half out" of the European Union.

Tory Andrea Jenkyns, who represents Morley and Outwood, resigned from her role as parliamentary private secretary (PPS) at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to argue for Britain to leave the EU customs union, amid Brexiteer fears that Theresa May is preparing to water down her negotiating "red lines".

It is not the kind of high-profile resignation that is likely to significantly destablise the Government but it will nevertheless put pressure on the Prime Minister at a time when her Cabinet is split on what kind of customs arrangement to seek when the UK quits the EU in March 2019.

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Ms Jenkyns, who sits on the Commons Brexit Committee as one of only seven Leavers out of 21 members, said she wanted devote more time to "doing all I can do to correct this imbalance and be a robust voice for the benefits of Brexit".