The cruel C

Gabby  Logan was at St. James's Hospital in Leeds to unveil a plaqueGabby  Logan was at St. James's Hospital in Leeds to unveil a plaque
Gabby Logan was at St. James's Hospital in Leeds to unveil a plaque
The Yorkshire charity Make A Dream is marking 21 years of helping sick and terminally ill children. Jayne Dawson talks to founder Francine Levin, who now has incurable cancer herself.

Imagine a woman with incurable cancer and I doubt you will come up with Francine Levin. For a start, she looks great: chic silver crop, elegant clothes, lovely skin. And she may be on morphine twice a day and a fistful of tablets throughout, but she is still very much in the midst of normal life.

On the day we meet she is returning clothes she has changed her mind about to Marks & Spencer, and she says that now that her illness has caused her to lose weight she can buy nice tops from Zara.

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More than that, at 66 years old she is still working hard, taking a business call while we chat and, above all, still running her Make A Dream Charity.

But there it is. Cancer is a cruel disease and Francine is enduring her second encounter with it.

She has sat through the moment of diagnosis twice, lost her hair twice, and experienced countless bouts of chemotherapy, a treatment which is now ongoing for her.

And of course Francine has spent 21 years helping to improve the quality of life of children with incurable illnesses only now to find that she is in the same position herself.

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She says: “My cancer has spread to my bones and my lymph nodes. It can’t be cured so it is a question of controlling it. I don’t ask about my prognosis. It is hard, but I think it is harder for my husband. He can’t control the situation, neither of us can. We just have to do as we are told.

“He never misses an appointment with me, but his life is all about me. It is always ‘how is Francine?’ and never ‘how is Stuart?’ My view is, I just want to plod along with my life.”

That life is a fascinating one. Francine, who also has a son, Marcus, 25, was something of a female trailblazer.

She grew up in Leeds, with Jewish parents who were the children of Russian immigrants, and attended Leeds Girls High School, but she left at the tender age of 14 to work as a shop assistant.

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Her manageress was Helen Sykes, well known in Yorkshire and beyond for her successful independent fashion store, and, with her guidance, Francine discovered her talent for sales.

By the age of 21 she already had her own boutique in Lincoln, where her father also had fashion shops, and was doing well, but then life took a different turn.

“I had been going out with this guy in Leeds for years and we were planning to get married, but then he said he wasn’t sure. I discovered I felt relieved.

“I felt free and up for adventure so I said to my friend ‘let’s go live in Australia’ but she would only go as far as London.”

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So began Francine’s two decades in the capital where she had a ball, rode the wave of the yuppie boom and taught herself the property business, with which she and Stuart are still involved.

“I started off in newspaper sales for the Evening Standard and worked my way up to running an advertising department. I was paid good money, I had the gift of the gab, I was good at selling and teaching others to sell, and life was great.

“Then I discovered property and realised I could make the same on one house as I would have had to work three or four years to earn. Being in property in London at that time gave you the Midas touch.”

The party seemed set to go on and on – until her father died: “It hit me like a rocket, I adored my father.”

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Back in Leeds for the funeral, Francine, then a single woman of 39, was introduced to Stuart. By the age of 41 she was a married mother-of-one.

“I was introduced to a good, kind, reliable man and we started going out. I thought that if he asked me to marry him I would do it, and he did.

“Stuart and I had uncannily similar backgrounds – his parents were also the children of Russian immigrants and he had left school at 14 too. His mother and father were good, decent people, like my parents. Stuart would tell me stories about his Russian alcoholic grandfather, but I never met him.

“But I had a hard time adjusting to being married at first. Everything had changed for me, I had moved home, married and very quickly become pregnant. Stuart and Marcus are my life now, but it was a massive adjustment back then.

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“But we have a good marriage and always have had, we are very good friends as well as husband and wife. Without Stuart I don’t know what I would have done.”

Back at the beginning of the marriage, Francine set about teaching the property business to Stuart, who had previously run a hosiery business, and the two set up Cube letting agency which they still run today.

But when Marcus was only four years old, Francine, then 45, discovered a lump in her breast.

“At first I wasn’t really aware of the severity of what