Romanian rapist fled to Switzerland after robbing Leeds woman

A convicted rapist from Romania who fled to Switzerland after attacking a young woman in Leeds was today jailed for eight years for robbery.

Constantin Adrian Marin, 30, said he had just found out that day that his mother was dying in Romania and had been trying to steal money to get back to her.

But his brave victim, who was left scarred by the vicious attack when Marin dragged her into some secluded bushes and kicked her repeatedly, says her life has been changed forever.

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“He kept punching me in the face,” the now 29-year-old said in a statement read out in court. “I remember thinking he wasn’t going to stop until I gave up or lost consciousness. I’m not only physically scarred for life but psychologically. What this man has done to me has had such a devastating and detrimental impact on the very person that I am.”

The young woman had been walking home along a quiet pathway between Whitehall Road and Gotts Road in Leeds city centre at about 8.30pm on the evening of March 22. She was approached from behind by Marin who hit her on the side of the head and knocked her to the ground, Leeds Crown Court was told yesterday, August 19, before dragging her by the ankles into some secluded bushes and repeatedly kicking her as she fought back.

“She said she felt like her face had exploded,” said prosecutor Louise Pryke.

The young woman, sociable and outgoing before the attack, said she couldn’t leave her house for days afterwards because she felt too afraid.

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