YP Letters: Emmanuel Macron's sickening '˜liars' slur over Brexit

French president Emmanuel Macron, speaking at the Salzburg summit where he accused Brexiteers of being liars.French president Emmanuel Macron, speaking at the Salzburg summit where he accused Brexiteers of being liars.
French president Emmanuel Macron, speaking at the Salzburg summit where he accused Brexiteers of being liars.
From: Dick Lindley, Altofts, Normanton.

I CHOKED on my cornflakes when I read in your excellent newspaper that the arrogant French premier, Emmanuel Macron, had the nerve to call English Brexiteers liars (The Yorkshire Post, September 21).

It is offensive in the extreme for the leader of any foreign power to call millions of English people who voted to leave the EU liars, but it is particularly sickening when this vile accusation is made by a president who, had it not been for the outstanding courage of British boys landing in Normandy in 1944, would have been ruled over by the German Gestapo.

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Perhaps he ought to consider this fact and consider how many of our boys gave their lives, and apologise to the British for his disgusting language.

There is no wonder that the majority of UK citizens voted to leave, particularly as the EU is laughing at us and obviously enjoying inflicting impossible divorce terms. Now would be an excellent time to give the whole lot of them a Churchillian wave and tell them we are leaving tomorrow morning.

From: Arthur Quarmby, Mill Moor Road, Meltham.

CONSIDERING that we rescued mainland Europe from defeat and occupation by Germany during each of the two World Wars, it is surprising how few supporters we have in Europe.

Are these countries so afraid of stepping outside the German line that their moral obligation is so easily set aside?

From: Ken Cooke, Ilkley.

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