The Yorkshire Post says: A rural advocate '“ Michael Gove, Brexit and the countryside

Environment Secretary Michael Gove.Environment Secretary Michael Gove.
Environment Secretary Michael Gove.
MICHAEL Gove might have been a surprising appointment as Environment Secretary last summer, but he's proved to be an unlikely advocate for the countryside and does, in fact, have a plan for Brexit.

Not only does he, in contrast to his predecessor Liz Truss, value and understand farmers, but he also believes that Britain’s departure from the EU provides an unique opportunity to enhance the natural environment.

It is why his keynote policy speech this week was so enlightening. Not only is he committed to improving accessibility to rural areas so more people, and specifically younger generations, can understand, and appreciate, the great outdoors, agriculture and local produce, but Mr Gove acknowledged that there’s more to do when it comes to providing super-fast broadband and helping isolated communities become more resilient as local services come under pressure because of cuts and low usage.

In rural Yorkshire, Mr Gove is preaching to the converted – he just needs to persuade more of his Cabinet colleagues that Britain’s green and pleasant land has so much to offer if carefully nurtured.