Ex-senior police officer ‘told Thatcher of aide’s sex parties with boys’

Margaret ThatcherMargaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
A FORMER senior police officer has revealed that he warned Margaret Thatcher about claims that one of her top aides held sex parties with under-age boys.

Barry Strevens, who worked as the prime minister’s personal bodyguard, said that he passed on allegations about her confidant Sir Peter Morrison. He said Lady Thatcher appointed Sir Peter as the deputy party chairman of the Conservatives despite learning of the rumours. The Old Etonian, who died of a heart attack in 1995 aged 51, has since been linked to claims of sex abuse at children’s homes in North Wales.

Mr Strevens, an ex-detective chief inspector, said: “I wouldn’t say she was naive but I would say she would not have thought people around her would be like that. I am sure he would have given her assurances about the rumours.”

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He claimed he first found out about the claims from a senior Cheshire Police officer. Mr Strevens said he “immediately” passed on the information to Lady Thatcher and her private secretary Archie Hamilton. Mr Hamilton said he remembered the meeting, but could not recall mention of under-age boys.

“I don’t remember him saying they were under-age,” he said. “There may have been but the point he was making to her was that there were only men involved. She listened to what he said and that was it. It was merely a party and men were there.”