Coulson pledges fight against perjury charge

Andy Coulson will “vigorously contest” perjury allegations against him if they are ever brought to trial, his lawyer has said.

David Cameron’s former communications chief was charged by Strathclyde Police on Wednesday night over allegations that he committed perjury during the trial of former MSP Tommy Sheridan.

A report is to be sent to the procurator fiscal who will then decide if the 44-year-old ex-News of the World editor will face court proceedings.

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In a statement yesterday, his solicitor Jo Rickards of law firm DLA Piper said: “Andy Coulson will vigorously contest the perjury allegations made against him yesterday by Strathclyde Police, should they ever result in a trial. We have no further comment at this stage.”

Mr Coulson was detained at his London home early on Wednesday morning and taken to