Why is there a reluctance to prosecute those exposed in the media of wrongdoing - Yorkshire Post Letters

From: Malcolm Naylor, Cowpasture Road, Ilkley.

Have you noticed the disconnect between investigative journalism and prosecution by the law enforcement agencies?

Mainstream media do all the investigative work and collect the evidence. But the justice, law enforcement and government systems do nothing. Why?

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How often do we see media reports of shocking exposure of criminal activity without it being followed up and prosecuted even when evidence is there? Illegal immigration is a case in point. So where does human rights begin and illegal immigration end? Is the Establishment and its cohorts encouraging the criminal gangs?

A crime scene cordoned off with police tape.A crime scene cordoned off with police tape.
A crime scene cordoned off with police tape.

Why is this allowed to happen? Is it accidental, or by design?

As a severe critic of that Establishment sycophant, the BBC, I now realise my criticism should not be entirely directed at them but mainly at our law enforcement and judicial system for failing to take action but most of all our fraudulent democracy that allows it to happen.

So why is our law enforcement system not upholding the law and does this not raise questions on the true purpose of our legal system. Is it to protect the public; or the privileged?

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The performance of our police services is, by design, so poor that criminals laugh at it and break the law with impunity. Illegal immigration across the Channel is an obvious example. But there are many others.

Instead of taking action against real crimes the police are concentrating their resources on prosecuting motorists. Is this really the priority that they should be focusing on?

Throughout society this is a constantly recurring theme and it is not surprising that conspiracy theorists have much to say about the way in which our freedoms are being eroded whilst real crimes are ignored.

It appears that only when crimes are committed against the wealthy are they properly investigated. The two tier society’ (super rich and poor) has never been so blatantly obvious. We now live in a two tier society along with the privatisation of health, education, energy, transport and everything else. The rich get the best and the poor the crumbs. Is it any wonder that as the fabric of society collapses one can rightly ask, is this by accident or design?

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And the principal architects of this is our delusional democracy of a government exercising power with less than 30 per cent of the electorate's votes.

None of the existing Establishment parties will provide democracy and what is needed is radical reform and a government that uses common sense and natural justice.