Over-60s prescription charge plan is NHS privatisation by stealth - Yorkshire Post Letters

There are plans to charge over-60s for prescriptions.There are plans to charge over-60s for prescriptions.
There are plans to charge over-60s for prescriptions.
From: Sue Cuthbert, Newton on Rawcliffe.

In regard to ‘Warning over plans to raise free prescription age from 60 to 65’ (The Yorkshire Post, August 30).

I believe that this proposal demonstrates, yet again, the Tory Government’s determination to privatise our NHS by stealth.

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Back in 1948, a little girl lay seriously ill. She was in bed for many weeks, but a doctor who worked for the newly formed NHS, regularly attended to her and with the help of penicillin, she eventually made a full recovery. Over the years, that little girl grew up, but sometimes needed medical help from the NHS.

She eventually became a teacher.

That child was me.

I have in front of me a doctor’s bill dated July 30, 1941.

This was for “Professional Attendance from a Dr RJ Merson” to a Mr Carnegie of 118 Bromley Street, Batley.

The sum was three shillings, which was quite a lot in those days.

I think that any medicine prescribed would have been extra. I was recently explaining how it was if you were ill in the “olden days” to a man in his 30s. He was astonished.

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We must not return to the situation where ill people paying for medicine may have to choose how many items they can afford, or if they can pay at all.

I have heard that this already happens. This is cruel and not necessary. We are constantly being told that we live in a “rich” country. Prove it Mr Johnson, keep your hands of our NHS.

From: Susan Abbott, Wakefield.

I wholeheartedly agree with Jayne Dowle regarding GP services (The Yorkshire Post, August 30). In January I was concerned about a rash on my husband’s leg.

A GP who doesn’t know us asked for a photo which I duly sent via my phone. Antibiotics were prescribed.

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My husband has various health issues and within two days his whole body was swollen.

Without going into detail he was taken by ambulance to hospital where he spent 16 nights! Thankfully he made it home. How many don’t I wonder.

I remain convinced that if he had been seen by a GP then his hospital admission could have been avoided.

My husband has had district nurses and phlebotomists calling regularly and have been doing throughout the pandemic.

Surgeries and GPs need to get back to normality as soon as possible.

Our health has surely got to be a priority!