Animal cruelty: Why Jacob Rees-Mogg stance is so misguided over nonsensical import rules – Yorkshire Post Letters

Is the Government doing enough to tackle all forms of animal crueltyIs the Government doing enough to tackle all forms of animal cruelty
Is the Government doing enough to tackle all forms of animal cruelty
From: Pauline Allon, Ilkley.

THE Government has broken another promise, this time affecting animal welfare.

In May 2021, the Animal Welfare Bill promised the highest standards of animal welfare possible and yet less than a year later they are threatening to drop their proposed ban on the import of fur and foie gras.

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Is the Government doing enough to tackle all forms of animal crueltyIs the Government doing enough to tackle all forms of animal cruelty
Is the Government doing enough to tackle all forms of animal cruelty

Fur farming has been banned in the UK since 2000 on ethical grounds, as has production of foie gras. Surely to ban something on welfare grounds, but to allow its importation and consumption, is totally immoral?

The Government is facing opposition from some Cabinet ministers, including Jacob 
Rees-Mogg, who has raised concerns about personal choice.

But he obviously cares little about animal suffering or would realise that fur farming and foie gras involve immense cruelty.

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Fur farms house animals in filthy wire cages too small to allow movement and foie gras involves force feeding ducks and geese from 12 weeks old via a metal tube to produce an oversized, fatty and diseased liver – considered a delicacy. Yet again, the Government promises one thing and does another.

The same can be said regarding the Australian trade deal currently being negotiated, whereby cheap meat produced using low levels of welfare will be imported into the UK, making it difficult for our farmers to compete with, due to higher welfare demanded by UK consumers, placing UK farming at risk – and it’s doubtful that labelling will provide adequate information to enable an informed choice. The jury is out regarding whether the Government will proceed with 
its proposed ban on 
trophy-hunting imports.

As with everything regarding this Government, you cannot believe a word they say – an example is Brexit, built on lies and political manipulation.

From: Bob Watson, Baildon.

JOHN Rayner (The Yorkshire Post, February 23) is spot on in commenting that concurrent sentences should be abolished and all should be served consecutively.

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The situation simply highlights the total inadequacy of the justice system, which is far too heavily slanted in favour of the criminal rather than the victim. This really has to change.

As well as what Mr Rayner mentioned, we should continue by ensuring that all sentences are served in full, and for far more life sentences to be exactly that.

It is farcical that life sentences can still see culprits released within a relatively short number of years.

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