Neil McNicholas: A call for action on telephone nuisances

ONE of the more consistent criticisms levelled at a number of our current political leaders is that they are out-of-touch with the lives and experiences of the people of the country. This was once again confirmed for me in last week’s Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons.

Someone asked the Prime Minister if he would do something about the constant wave of unsolicited phone calls that people are having to deal with every day. The PM’s typically bland reply was that he would look into the matter but that people could always register with the Telephone Preference Service. Does he not think we do and that it doesn’t make any difference?

The TPS has shown itself to be absolutely useless. It cannot (so it claims) do anything to prevent automated calls and those coming from international numbers – which are exactly the calls that people are receiving and wish to have stopped. Mr Cameron clearly doesn’t have such problems because I’m sure he has the likes of MI6 monitoring his incoming calls. If his phone rings just as he’s sitting down to dinner, it’s more likely to be Barack Obama than someone selling double-glazing.

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