Man found with serious and '˜unexplained' injuries

News from the policeNews from the police
News from the police
Police are investigating how a man sustained what are being described as 'unexplained injuries'.

The 45-year-old man from Hull was found by a passer-by, who called an ambulance, last Friday night at the roadside parking area outside the pharmacy on Witham / corner of Great Union Street at around 11.30pm.

He had sustained serious injuries to his face and body. It is not known how he came by his injuries and is being described by officer investigating the incident as unexplained.

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The man is described as being 5ft 9” tall, of slim build and wearing a dark blue jacket and dark trousers.

If you saw something that can help Humberside Police with enquiries call 101 and quote log 35 of 19/11/2016.