YP Letters: Excited to see pro-fracking Tory MP re-elected

A fracking rig.A fracking rig.
A fracking rig.
From: Dr Graham Marshall, Rosedale Abbey, Pickering.

I AM writing in my capacity as a small operator of a tourism business interest in Ryedale.

I note with a sense of excitement the re-election of our pro-fracking Conservative candidate Kevin Hollinrake for Thirsk and Malton.

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Mr Hollinrake is to be congratulated for his steadfast and principled support for the UK’s natural gas industry against the propaganda of the eco-extremists from London that falsely claim that a new gas industry would destroy Ryedale and damage our tourism sector.

Regardless of the national mood, Kevin Hollinrake polled an increased number of votes – 33,572, up over seven per cent on 2015.

The anti-shale gas eco-extremists from London and their local mouthpieces that stood for election in Ryedale have all failed miserably to convince Ryedale voters that shale gas operations will harm our community.

Now is the time for Ryedale to stand alongside our local MP and embrace a new bright shale gas sector.

From: Andy Smith, Malton.

HOW well did the anti-fracking candidates do here? Good question. Very badly. Common sense won the day.