Doctor is struck off for failing to report Iraq abuse

A FORMER Army doctor has been struck off for failing to report injuries suffered by Iraqi detainee Baha Mousa at the hands of British soldiers who beat him to death.

Dr Derek Keilloh, who has worked as a GP in North Yorkshire after leaving the military, was a captain and regimental medical officer of 1st Battalion, the Queen’s Lancashire Regiment when he supervised a failed resuscitation attempt to save Mr Mousa’s life.

Mr Mousa had been hooded for nearly 24 hours and severely beaten by soldiers from the regiment after they arrested him, wrongly believing him to be an insurgent.

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The father-of-two suffered 93 injuries including fractured ribs and a broken nose and his body was left swollen and bruised.

Dr Keilloh claimed later that the only sign of injury he saw was dried blood around the nose of Mr Mousa, 26, while giving mouth-to-mouth and CPR.