Tax inspector ‘killed husband then fled to Whitby’

A TAX inspector killed her husband for a share of their home, then fled to Whitby, the Old Bailey heard today.

Don Banfield, 63, disappeared without trace in 2001, allegedly after being murdered by his wife and daughter.

“When he signed the contract for the sale, he was unwittingly signing his own death warrant,” said Crispin Aylett QC, prosecuting.

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Shirley Banfield and daughter Lynette Banfield went on to fraudulently draw his private and state pensions whilst claiming Mr Banfield was still alive, the court heard.

With the proceeds from the sale of the family home in Wealdstone, north-west London, and pension payments, the women benefited by £123,000 over the next eight years.

When a police investigation was re-opened into Mr Banfield’s disappearance in 2009, the women claimed they had seen him the previous Christmas, said Mr Aylett.

Within six months of the disappearance, the two women had moved to Whitby, North Yorkshire, despite having no links there.

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“This move has the hallmark of an attempt to distance themselves from anyone asking too many questions about what had happened to Don,” Mr Aylett said.

They had then gone to live in York before moving to Kent in 2005, he said.

They now admit this was a lie and have pleaded guilty to charges of fraud, forgery and conspiracy to pervert justice.

But Shirley, 64, and Lynette, 40, both of Ashford Road, Canterbury, Kent, deny murder.

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The court was told that Mr Banfield, who had just retired after 24 years as the manager of William Hill bookmakers in Hampstead, north London, had not been seen since Friday May 11 2001.

Shirley, who now walks with a stick, had been on long-term sick leave from the Inland Revenue and later claimed incapacity benefit to which she was not entitled, on a form which she claimed had entries by her husband.

Mr Aylett said Shirley and Mr Banfield’s son Kevin, 43, told police his mother confessed to him that she had lied to cover up the fraud, but had denied killing him.

In the days leading up to the disappearance, Mr Banfield complained to police, his doctor and old friend Rod McIntosh that “his wife and daughter were trying to kill him”.

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But three days later, the day he was last seen, Mr Banfield had asked a police officer not to follow up the complaint.

“He was biding his time. Once the house was sold, he was planning on making a new life for himself on his own with the £60,000 he was expecting from the sale of the house,” said Mr Aylett.

“At the time, Don Banfield was obviously expecting to receive a large amount of money from the sale of the house.

“He also had his pension from William Hill to live on. He had decided to set up a new life for himself on his own.