Man and woman arrested on suspicion of murder after baby girl dies of 'catastrophic' injuries in Barnsley

Two people have been arrested in connection with the death of a baby in Barnsley, police have said. Picture: Adobe Stock ImagesTwo people have been arrested in connection with the death of a baby in Barnsley, police have said. Picture: Adobe Stock Images
Two people have been arrested in connection with the death of a baby in Barnsley, police have said. Picture: Adobe Stock Images
Two people have been arrested in connection with the death of a four-month-old baby, South Yorkshire Police has said.

Officers were called to Barnsley Hospital today (Wednesday) where the baby girl had been taken for treatment to "catastrophic injuries", the force said.

The infant had been placed on life support but was unable to recover, with the machine ultimately switched off. She died on Monday at 2.50pm.

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A post-mortem was carried out yesterday but her cause of death is currently unconfirmed, pending further medical tests.

Barnsley Hospital, where a baby girl was treated for "catastrophic" injuries which she was unable to recover from. Two people have been arrested in connectionBarnsley Hospital, where a baby girl was treated for "catastrophic" injuries which she was unable to recover from. Two people have been arrested in connection
Barnsley Hospital, where a baby girl was treated for "catastrophic" injuries which she was unable to recover from. Two people have been arrested in connection

A 31-year-old woman and 38-year-old man, both from Athersley, Barnsley, were arrested on suspicion of murder. They remained in custody today for questioning.

Police have urged people not to speculate on social media over the baby girl's death while the investigation is ongoing.

Detective Chief Inspector Phil Etheridge, the senior investigating officer, said: "The injuries suffered by this little girl when she was just two days old were so catastrophic that she could not recover and her life support was withdrawn after four months. Our thoughts are with those affected and our specialist officers are supporting them throughout this incredibly difficult time.

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"We have a dedicated team of officers assigned to this investigation. Two people are in custody and we are working hard to establish the exact circumstances leading up to this child's death."

He added: "I know that the local community will be shocked and deeply saddened to hear of her death and it's important that people feel able to talk about their concerns but I urge everyone to be mindful of what they post on social media, and not to speculate on what may have occurred.

"If you have information that may assist, it's important that this is passed to the police to form part of the investigation."

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