Churchgoers asked to house families of Olympic athletes

Christian householders are being asked to open their doors free to the families of Olympic athletes and team support members during the 2012 Games under a special hospitality programme.

The More than Gold UK campaign is encouraging churchgoers to offer accommodation in their own homes to the relatives of athletes unable to afford "astronomical" hotel bills during the London 2012 Games.

Churches are also being asked to provide volunteers who can serve refreshments to crowds both during the Games and at the official Olympic torch relay throughout Britain.

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The programme also hopes churches will provide sports camps or weekends for children in the run-up to the Games.

The 2012 Games provide a "unique opportunity" for places of worship to tackle an image of being "out of touch and only interested in themselves" and to be seen for what they really are, said More than Gold UK.

The Christian community has provided more than half of all the homes needed to host Olympic and Paralympic athletes' family members in the past, More than Gold UK said, and it wants to do "even better" in 2012. Parishioners in London and venue cities will be asked to pick up and welcome the relatives from a hospitality centre, provide bed and breakfast for eight days for two athlete's relatives, act as "caring and helpful hosts" and drop relatives off at a transport hub each day. There is also a need for host families for members of mission teams.