Restaurant Review: Vennells, Masham

Park in Masham’s Market Square, Yorkshire’s biggest and arguably finest. It never ceases to amaze, with the church and spire floodlit at one end and the glow of pubs illuminating the handsome Georgian buildings. It could be a period film location. In fact, it has been, in Ken Loach’s Days of Hope. It also features in JL Carr’s first novel A Day in Summer and it’s looking good.

The same can be said for Vennell’s just a few steps down Silver Street. I’ve known it intermittently for 20 years from when it was Floodlite and again when it became Vennell’s in 2005 and always liked its independence and individuality. The one downside was a rather odd upstairs/downstairs layout while its gloomy aubergine paintwork and frosted windows gave off a message of keep out instead of come in. It always looked a bit private which can’t have done much for passing trade.

Then on New Year’s Day, after the final Auld Lang Syne, Jon and Laura Vennell locked the door and called in the decorators. Good decision. Now, the frost has melted and you can see in and see out, at best with a view of that floodlit spire. Now you can have a sociable pre-dinner drink upstairs rather than in strange isolation downstairs.

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