Local Authorities across Yorkshire & the Humber urged to meet vital education deadline for children

Figures show that in 2023, 202 primary school children in the region did not receive their transition EHCP by February 15th

Local Authorities (LAs) in Yorkshire and the Humber are being urged to meet a vital education deadline amidst concerns that hundreds of children with special educational needs are being let down by delays issuing final transition education healthcare plans or statements.

The legal deadline for local authorities to notify the families of children in England who have an EHCP* in place in regards to which school place they have been allocated is 15th February.

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But figures obtained via an FOIR** by specialist education law experts at Simpson Millar have revealed that in 2023, ten LAs in the region reported delays, impacting a total of 202 out of 2902 (27 per cent) pupils with an EHCP in place.

Nationally, the data shows that the delays impacted a total of 3079 of 22,285 (13.8 per cent) of children in England with an EHCP in place. However, figures are expected to be much higher as a number of councils did not, or were unable, to respond to the request for information.