Why Asda is introducing free to use electric vehicle charging points to some of its stores

Customers will have access to the free charging points across 19 of the retailer’s stores, including Bradford, Killingbeck, Wakefield, Huddersfield and Middleton, Asda’s sustainability store.Customers will have access to the free charging points across 19 of the retailer’s stores, including Bradford, Killingbeck, Wakefield, Huddersfield and Middleton, Asda’s sustainability store.
Customers will have access to the free charging points across 19 of the retailer’s stores, including Bradford, Killingbeck, Wakefield, Huddersfield and Middleton, Asda’s sustainability store.
Big four supermarket Asda will provide customers with free to use electric vehicle (EV) charging points at some of its West Yorkshire stores following a new partnership with Engie.

Customers will have 24/7 access to the free charging points across 19 of the retailer’s stores, including Bradford, Killingbeck, Wakefield, Huddersfield and Middleton, Asda’s sustainability store.

Supplying 100 per cent renewable energy from Engie, the rapid charge points give customers 160 miles of driving on average and will be free to use until October 29 this year, when customers will begin to pay for their charge.

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John Mutton, senior asset manager at Asda, said: “We know that our customers and colleagues are always looking for ways to live more sustainably and we want to continue to help them do that with ease, which is why I’m really pleased we’ve made it convenient for them to access charging points so they can plug in whilst they shop.

“With thanks to our partner ENGIE, customers will see these charging points installed in some of our carparks over the coming weeks and we hope that by making them easily accessible, it will encourage more drivers to look at greener vehicles in the future and support a reduction in carbon emissions.”

The chargers can be located by ENGIE’s web-app and are part of a wider launch of EV charging points across West Yorkshire After securing almost £2m of funding from the Government’s Office of Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) in 2019, West Yorkshire Combined Authority appointed ENGIE to install and operate at least 88 rapid charging points across the region.

Each charging point includes one bay for taxis and private hire vehicles and one bay for all other users.

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Jerry Moloney, managing director for ENGIE’s Futures business, said: “The provision of rapid electric vehicle charging facilities at Asda stores offers customers a reliable and convenient way to charge whilst they visit the store.”


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