Leeds-based Northcoders launches a training hub in Newcastle

Chris HillChris Hill
Chris Hill
A coding school has launched a new training hub in Newcastle as it looks to provide the growing tech sector in the North East with access to talent through its coding bootcamp courses.

Leeds-based Northcoders, which earlier this year listed on the stock exchange, is opening a new training hub at TusPark at the Barclays Eagle Labs, which is located on Grainger Street in Newcastle city centre.

Chris Hill, CEO of Northcoders, said: "The TusPark site is a well-regarded centre of innovation and excellence, so we are excited to be part of this new and growing community. Newcastle, and the wider North East region, have growing tech sectors and the demand for digital skills and upskilling is increasing all the time.

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“Our aim with the new Northcoders Newcastle hub is to ensure greater access to education and technology training that will directly benefit businesses, individuals and in turn the local economy by nurturing talent in the North East.”

The launch of the hub is as a result of the recent increase in demand for technology training and upskilling in the region. The centre will facilitate the flexibility of hybrid teaching both online and in person.

The firm operates a hybrid structure from its existing hubs in Leeds and Manchester. It is also building a presence in Birmingham through its online courses and there are plans to open a permanent base in the city soon.

Since its inaugural course in 2015, Northcoders has helped over nearly 1,000 people switch careers into tech, with average starting salaries of £25,500.

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Colin Tan, director of operations at TusPark Newcastle Eagle Labs, said: “We are extremely pleased to welcome Northcoders to Tuspark Eagle Labs and into the rapidly growing tech community of Newcastle.

“Tech skills are vital for our industry’s problem-solving nature, and Northcoders will educate and equip this new generation with professional, not just academic, knowledge. We look forward to working together to help grow the Newcastle ecosystem."


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