YP Comment: Homfirth made by classic comedy

Bill Owen and Kathy Staff as Compo and Nora Batty in Last of the Summer Wine.Bill Owen and Kathy Staff as Compo and Nora Batty in Last of the Summer Wine.
Bill Owen and Kathy Staff as Compo and Nora Batty in Last of the Summer Wine.
six years after the final episode of Last of the Summer Wine was broadcast, the programme's enduring appeal can be measured by the number of fans who still visit Holmfirth '“ the West Yorkshire town which became so synonymous with the travails of that much-loved triumvirate of eccentrics, Foggy, Compo and Clegg, as well as their co-stars such as the irrepressible Nora Batty in her pinny and hair curlers.

Yet, while they would, in all probability, be bemused that the series has now been made the subject of academic research at Leeds Beckett University about how it shaped the public’s impression of Holmfirth, who would have thought that writer Roy Clarke’s characters would still, to this day, have such enduring appeal? It is because he came up with storylines which left the nation wanting more because they amounted to little more than harmless fun that viewers could relate to. Today’s script-writers would be advised to take note.

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