Dave Craven: Latest Leeds march to final is on par with Ryder Cup heroics

IT’s not often I can liken golf and rugby league in many ways.

Perhaps the only true link between them is that they are both sports I’m not very good at.

After finally accepting my inconsequential amateur rugby league career was drawing to a close as I neared my 30th birthday – no Menzies-style longevity for me or any mad clamour from anyone to persuade me otherwise – it dawned I’d need something else to quench my competitive thirsts.

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Golf, I thought, would be a sport I could carry on playing until I’m 80 so some shiny new, high-tech clubs were bought to mark my big 3-0.

Unfortunately, it soon emerged I couldn’t even last playing it until I was 31, let alone into my octogenarian years. No patience. No good. Now the clubs are only seen at the back of the garage.

Anyway, it doesn’t mean I don’t mind watching the sport especially when it comes to the significant events such as the Ryder Cup when I suddenly become an all-knowing encyclopedia of its intricacies like some Yoda of fourballs.