15 medical myths debunked

With more and more people using ‘Dr Google’ as our first medical port-of-call, and with so much conflicting opinion on what can be serious health issues, it can be hard to know just what to believe.

So, private healthcare firm AXA PPP has debunked 15 of the most common medical myths in the UK, to help put people’s minds at ease...

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1. “Using a sunbed is safer than sunbathing outdoors”

It doesn’t matter how you tan – both sunbeds and catching the sun outdoors for an extended period of time can be dangerous and can increase your risk of melanoma, a type of skin cancer. Not only that but rays from sunbeds are often more intense than the UV rays from the sun. What looks like a healthy glow is actually proof that your skin has been damaged.

2. “You can prevent cancer by eating certain food”

Green tea, blueberries, garlic – we've all heard of these ‘superfoods’, but there's no scientific basis for claims that they can prevent cancer. It’s far too much of an oversimplification to say that one food can stop cancer. Instead, focus on maintaining a balanced diet and avoid known risk factors such as smoking and a sedentary lifestyle.

3. “Always wrap up warm in winter or you’ll catch a cold”

It’s a good idea to prepare for chilly winter weather, but the weather itself doesn’t cause colds. The only thing that can cause a cold or flu is the cold or flu virus. However, if you’re already carrying the virus, then the cold weather may allow symptoms to develop.

4. “Only the elderly are at risk of dementia”

Dementia is more common in the over 65s; however, it can affect people as young as 30. For people between the ages of 30 and 65, dementia is known as ‘young onset’. In 2014, it was estimated that there were 42,325 people in the UK living with young onset dementia, so it’s not only the elderly who are at risk.

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