Wolds Diary: Smell of a motorbike evokes happy memories

A trip to Scarborough proved a big success.A trip to Scarborough proved a big success.
A trip to Scarborough proved a big success.
My week has been somewhat frantic. I went over with my young lodger to my friend in Scarborough which was a pleasant trip out.

My young lodger kindly dug up a small Christmas tree for my friend and it was placed on her patio. My little dog Brillo had found a ball on the beach, obviously washed up, and had chased it around for some time while we shivered.

We went to my friend’s favourite (and mine) waterfront café on the North beach and she insisted on buying both of us the most enormous all-day breakfast.

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Then she purchased a large piece of cake to send us home with. As we unloaded the car my dogs were fascinated by our burdens but we managed to rescue the cake just in time.

Later that evening I went to represent my church at the meeting of the Pocklington Churches together, at our newly refurbished Christian Fellowship building. It was interesting, with some commuted people discussing possibilities.

On another day I drove with my lodger friend over to Knaresborough to the kind gentleman who had donated me so many ties, with two cushions for him that I had made from them. He very kindly gave me a very generous donation to my charity. For a long time I had been promising myself a trip to Old Mother Shipton’s Cave but when we got there, it was closed for the winter.

Instead we went to the market and then feeling especially hungry passed a café with the most wonderful wooden artefacts in the window. We ventured in and had a superb roast dinner and a pate starter. Feeling very replete we headed towards a lovely little town called Thorne where my lodger needed to look as some motorcycles at the dealership there. Having been a biker myself for many years I had a great time looking enviously at all the bikes.

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There is something about the smell of motorbikes that evokes happy memories from my days as a police motorcyclist. It was exceptionally windy that day so the drive back was interesting to say the least, especially over the Ouse Bridge.

On the Thursday the weather was bitterly cold. The dogs and I went for a walk, at times in the sleet and snow showers, up on the top of the Wolds.

I had been invited to the evening opening of the Thompsons Country Store at Murton. Included in the invitation was Looroll my dog who had won the best rescued dog competition at their show earlier this year. It was cold so I put her in a warm red coat and draped her lead with tinsel. She pulled me all around the store to investigate the many delicious smells but actually behaved rather well.

The Beacon Young Farmers had been invited to sing carols there, and I was asked to join them, and it was such fun! I cannot say that it was the most musically accurate evening I have had this year but that was more than compensated for in their enthusiasm, volume and humour.

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Young people don’t often get a good press, but this group were marvellous, with excellent manners and they were a credit to their organisation as well as their families.

They invited me to go and talk to them next year and I really look forward to it. Also at the evening was a stall for Hope Pastures, a very worthy cause that I do try to help sometimes. I actually won a prize on their tombola.

On the Friday evening I went in to assist in setting up our church for the Christmas fair the next morning. One of the good things about Pocklington is that every primary school child gets to attend a carol service or Nativity service in the church. At least they all hear the story of Christmas.

The next morning was hectic but the fair raised well over £800 for the church. Then home, a quick bite to eat and then a rehearsal for the concert that night, home again and then back. By this time the heating in the church had decided to go slow so we wrapped ourselves up and gave a good concert despite the chill in the air. I suppose it made it more Christmassy!

I do wish all readers a wonderful Christmas!

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