The amazing Yorkshire view which was millions of years in the making

PIC: Jonathan GawthorpePIC: Jonathan Gawthorpe
PIC: Jonathan Gawthorpe
Taking in a view that has been millions of years in the making on a summer's day from one of the region's most famous natural wonders - the limestone rocks of Malham Cove in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

Formed along the line of the Middle Craven Fault, Malham was once covered with huge sheets of ice but as the milleniums have passed, it has been eroded backwards from the line of the fault through melting glaciers.

Water now flows underground but there was once a massive waterfall that flowed over the Cove. Frozen ground meant the waterfall made a dramatic but temporary reappearance back in December 2015.

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These days the area is a magnet for walkers, as well as climbers keen to challenge themselves on the sheer rock face.