'Quick action' to protect teenage girls being groomed for sex

Social services chiefs last night claimed they stepped in "very quickly" after fears were raised for the lives of three vulnerable teenage girls groomed for sex by a group of five men.

A jury at Sheffield Crown Court found the five men, aged

21-24, guilty of a string of sex ofences against the girls, aged between 13 and 16, in Rotherham.

The group developed relationships with the girls, having sex with them in cars and parks in the Rotherham area.

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The three were under child protection plans following family breakdowns or due to other behaviourial issues.

Joyce Thacker, director of Rotherham's children and young people's services, said the authorities stepped in after piecing together what was happening amid concerns the girls were in serious danger.

"The girls could have faced death if the men weren't getting what they wanted," she said.

"It became clear to us some of the relationships were linked to exploitation.

"It is such an insidious way of life and a dangerous one."

She said the men had become friendly with the youngsters,

giving them gifts and introducing them to their friends.

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Social workers raised the alarm over their behaviour and certain men's names cropped up.

The girls' parents bore some of the responsibility but they were in a difficult position and at a loss over their children's lifestyle.

The girls were under care orders and had regular meetings with social workers but had become "entrapped".

"Clearly these are families who are in crisis and at their wits' ends," said Mrs Thacker."But it is their duty to protect their child and keep them safe."

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Det Sgt Dave Walker, who led the inquiry, said: "One was only 12 when she met one of the men and started smoking cannabis and drinking and coming in late at night. As it escalated the defendants were becoming more aggressive to the girls."

He said the men were not part of a paedophile ring.

"There was some organisation with a passing of phone numbers and names but that was it," he said.

"We basically have a group of young men who think it is all right to abuse young girls and they just groomed them and isolated them from their families."

All five men will be sentenced today.

Zafran Ramzan, of Broom Grove, Rotherham, was found guilty of raping the 16-year-old girl in her own home two other counts of sexual activity with a child in relation to another girl.

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He was cleared of two further counts of rape. The 16-year-old began sleeping with him at her house but he became violent towards her.

Umar Razaq, of Oxford Street, Rotherham, was found guilty of one count of sexual activity with a child a 13-year-old girl. He was cleared of raping another girl.

Razwan Razaq, also of Oxford Street, was found guilty of

two charges of sexual activity with a child, relating to two different girls.

Adil Hussain, of Nelson Street, Rotherham, was found guilty of one charge of sexual activity with a child - a 13-year-old girl. He was cleared of three similar charges.