YP Letters: Leeds or Sheffield? A tale of two proud cities

The Leeds skyline.The Leeds skyline.
The Leeds skyline.
From: Bob Swallow, Townhead Avenue, Settle.

I REFER to a recent letter from your regular correspondent Brian Sheridan in support of Sheffield.

My wife and I both come from Leeds, though many years ago. During 1964, I was offered and accepted a position with the then Leeds Permanent Building Society in Sheffield. The six years which followed were the happiest of my working life.

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Sheffield at that time was the steel capital of the world. It was February and my employer paid for my wife Pauline to spend a week in the city house-hunting. The first James Bond film Doctor No was showing at the Odeon Rotherham. One evening we took a bus sitting on the top deck to ride the six miles by the continuous steel works to Rotherham. It was enough to put any lady off the city for life.

The Sheffield skyline.The Sheffield skyline.
The Sheffield skyline.

I still remember those tree-lined highways and the wonderful parks, plus, of course, the Derbyshire Peaks where we spent so many happy weekends.

Leeds does have an excellent rail network – when it is operating – yet travelling within the city is a nightmare.

I still enjoy a trip out to Sheffield with its excellent tram network to get about.

I am just so sorry over the recent trouble regarding the trees in the city. Let us hope it soon gets sorted.

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