Parents of murder victim face more grief

THE parents of a young woman who was abducted and murdered seven years ago have lost another daughter to illness – and say the killing contributed to her death.

Vanda Moran, 41, whose sister Rachel was murdered in January 2003, died in hospital from complications following exposure to chickenpox.

She had complex health problems related to long-term diabetes, which led to her having both legs amputated and left her partially blind.

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Her parents, Ray and Wanda, believe she never recovered from the trauma of losing her sister, and hold Rachel's killer, Michael Little, partly responsible.

They believe Vanda neglected her treatment from the moment Rachel went missing until Little was convicted of her murder more than 10 months later.

Mr Moran, of Hall Road, Hull, said: "That period of neglect lost her something that, in her condition, could never be recovered and as a consequence I am convinced that Little and his actions certainly contributed to her premature death.

"He took away part of Vanda on that New Year's morning and started a steady decline in her general health, leading to her many operations and hospital stays. That full year, I put down to Michael Little. Without a shadow of a doubt, he's killed her."

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