Electric cars and green transport policy has miles to go – The Yorkshire Post says

An announcement on charging points for electric vehicles is due to be made at COP26 next week, says Transport Secretary Grant Shapps.An announcement on charging points for electric vehicles is due to be made at COP26 next week, says Transport Secretary Grant Shapps.
An announcement on charging points for electric vehicles is due to be made at COP26 next week, says Transport Secretary Grant Shapps.
IF GRANT Shapps chooses to set an example and use his own electric car to travel to the COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow, he will discover another North-South divide when it comes to the provision of charging points.

This comes after an investigation by The Yorkshire Post and its sister titles established that London has four times the number of charging points, per 100,000 residents, than Yorkshire.

As such, it is welcome that Mr Shapps will be present at COP26 next week when designs for an “iconic electric charger” are unveiled which he says has the potential to become as familiar as the black taxi and red phone box.

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As the Transport Secretary told MPs: “People need to be convinced that they will be able to fill up and add energy when required, which is why we have put £2.5bn into the process.”

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps.Transport Secretary Grant Shapps.
Transport Secretary Grant Shapps.

This newspaper also 
notes that Mr Shapps used 
Commons questions to 
explain how the Government’s “world-leading transport decarbonisation plan” will lead to healthier communities.

Yet, while his ambitions are laudable, what is perturbing is the obfuscation of Mr Shapps and his ministerial team when it comes to the much-delayed Integrated Rail Plan and the scaling back of both Northern Powerhouse Rail and the eastern leg of HS2 to Leeds.

Despite Ministers intimating that a decision has been reached, they appear unwilling to share it with the travelling public and demonstrate their commitment to build the greenest and most advanced high-speed railway in the country. More’s the pity.

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