Wolds Diary: Celebratory shindig raises the mood amid more wet weather

The Royal Engineers should be brought in to help with rebuilding Tadcasters bridge.The Royal Engineers should be brought in to help with rebuilding Tadcasters bridge.
The Royal Engineers should be brought in to help with rebuilding Tadcasters bridge.
Rain, rain and yet more rain. I know I'm not alone in being heartily sick of it. It is a national trait to moan about the weather but just at the moment it is understandable.

I don’t think anyone is profiting from our current weather, and it is becoming quite risky out and about, especially when walking the dogs because of the mud.

Whatever footwear I use, from wellies to hiking boots, the soles soon get engorged with mud and I slip and slide, and have actually taken to using a stick, just to stay upright. I’m past caring what it looks like and my washing machine has been working overtime.

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In my garden everything is sodden and I long for either a hard frost or a spell of dry weather. Mind you I shouldn’t complain, I have been much more fortunate that those poor folk who have been flooded and lost their belongings or homes. I just wish the Government would stop playing party politics and take the responsibility for the protection of their people.