Road closed at Richmond Falls as crowds turn out to party on the River Swale

Richmond FallsRichmond Falls
Richmond Falls
A road leading to popular beauty spot Richmond Falls has been blocked off after crowds of youths turned out to party on the River Swale.

The closure of Riverside Road by North Yorkshire County Council - at the request of the police - came just days before new CCTV cameras are due to be activated at the waterfalls.

A major cross-party drive to tackle drinking, barbecuing and anti-social behaviour at Richmond Falls was launched after largre groups of young people, many from the Teesside area, gathered at the river on the May Bank Holiday weekends to hold 'Ibiza-style' lockdown parties.

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Drugs paraphernalia and large amounts of litter were left behind and several arrests were made.

With temperatures at the Falls nudging 30 degrees on Wednesday, the crowds returned and there were issues with overcrowding and inconsiderate parking. Riverside Road is the main access road to the riverside area.

With the heatwave set to continue into Thursday, the county council confirmed the road would only re-open when it is considered safe to do so.

The two new CCTV cameras will be installed at the end of June, and an application has also been submitted for a Public Spaces Protection Order for the Falls, which would ban alcohol and cooking food at the spot and enable police to hand out penalty notices to anyone breaking the rules. The PSPO is expected to be in force by the autumn.

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Stewarding by private security companies has been introduced at busy times and police patrols have also been increased. The Royal Military Police from Catterick Garrison have also been assisting local officers.

The order is seen as a long-term solution to the issues at the Falls, while a residents' parking scheme is being considered for streets near the river to discourage visitors.