Girl, 16, fights off men during sexual assault in Batley

Wilton Park in Batley.

 Picture: Ross Parry AgencyWilton Park in Batley.

 Picture: Ross Parry Agency
Wilton Park in Batley. Picture: Ross Parry Agency
Police are appealing for information after a 16-year-old girl was subjected to a sexual assault as she walked through Wilton Park in Batley.

The teen was walking through the park between 6pm and 6.30pm on Monday, January 4, when she was approached by a group of four males.

One of the males indecently touched the victim before she has managed to dig her nails in to his wrist and run from the scene to a place of safety where she reported the incident to the police.

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The man who assaulted her is described as white, aged between 18 to 19-years-old, with brown hair.

He was wearing a dark-coloured baseball cap, navy blue Adidas jumper and jogging bottoms.

The other males he was with are described as all being white and of a similar age.

Police Sergeant Andy Maloney, of Batley and Spen Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “We are keen to speak to anyone who was in the area of Wilton Park and believes they saw this group or anyone who has information about who these individuals are. It is possible that the man who assaulted the victim may have marks to his left wrist where she has dug her nails in.

“Anyone with information is please asked to call Batley and Spen Neighbourhood Policing Team via 101 quoting reference number 13160004542.”