'Dangerous and predatory' sex offender jailed for raping woman in street - Leeds Crown Court

A "dangerous and predatory" sex offender has been jailed for raping a woman in a West Yorkshire town centre.

Mario Sztojka, 26, targeted the victim in the early hours of the morning on May 26 last year.

He approached the woman, a sex worker, in Huddersfield and asked her for sex - before taking her to an alley on Lower Viaduct Street.

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When the woman asked for payment, Sztojka refused and attempted to rob her.

'Dangerous and predatory' rapist Mario Sztojka, 26, has been jailed (Photo: WYP)'Dangerous and predatory' rapist Mario Sztojka, 26, has been jailed (Photo: WYP)
'Dangerous and predatory' rapist Mario Sztojka, 26, has been jailed (Photo: WYP)

After finding she had no money, he raped her.

Leeds Crown Court heard that in an "an additional act of humiliation", he then searched her pockets again.

Sztojka, of Meltham Road, Huddersfield, has previous convictions in both the UK and Hungary, including for sex offences.

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Sztojka was sentenced at Leeds Crown CourtSztojka was sentenced at Leeds Crown Court
Sztojka was sentenced at Leeds Crown Court

After a major operation to find him, he was tracked down by police and arrested in December 2021.

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The court heard a statement from the victim, who described the harrowing impact the attack has had on her life.

"I felt so low about myself that I wanted to die," the statement said.

"I can’t trust my own judgement anymore and I’m scared all the time. I don’t know who I am anymore."

Sztojka was found guilty of two counts of rape following a four-day trial in May.

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On Thursday, he was handed an 18 year jail sentence and he must serve at least 12 years in prison.

DCI Marc Bowes of the Homicide and Major Enquiry Team, who led the investigation, said: “Mario Sztojka is a dangerous and predatory sex offender and I welcome his conviction and sentencing.

“He did everything he could to evade justice for the serious sexual assault he inflicted on his victim and was caught following persistent, methodical police work which allowed us to eventually hunt him down.

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