Bid to help students look for university overseas

A YORKSHIRE school is aiming to become a centre of excellence at helping students apply to international universities to avoid next year’s tuition fee hike.

Harrogate Ladies’ College is looking to develop contacts with universities around the world as increasing numbers of young people look to study abroad once £9,000-a-year fees are launched.

Headmistress Rhiannon Wilkinson and head of the independent girls’ school sixth form Richard Tillett said there was no doubt that more students would look outside England for their higher education under the new system.

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They also warned that as fees rise some universities in England will need to “buck their ideas up” in order to persuade students to stay in the country.

Mr Tillett said: “The tuition fee hike is fundamentally changing the whole climate of higher education.

“There are already 40 universities across Europe which deliver courses in the English language. Some Dutch universities such as Maastricht teach almost entirely in English and courses in Holland will cost students 1,600 euros compared to up to £9,000 here.”

Mr Tillett said overseas universities were already looking to attract English students because of the soaring fees here.

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“If you take away the United States, which is a separate system and which has always been expensive, the fees in this country are high, especially when compared to the rest of Europe.

“The fees will undoubtedly lead to fewer people going to university. I know the Government says it won’t but I do not understand the logic of what they are saying.

“It is already changing students’ attitude – we are seeing it here at the college. Girls are less keen to take subjects like history, English and classics because they don’t see a job at the end of it.

“I am not saying this is right but this is what the perception is.

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“We have spoken to parents who are also wondering whether sending their child to university is worth it because of the cost, and this is in an affluent area like Harrogate.”

Fees for non-boarding students at Harrogate Ladies’ College are more than £4,000 a term.

The college is planning to hold sessions getting pupils to better understand different university systems and learning cultures around the world.

Mrs Wilkinson has personal experience of the benefits of an international education having taught in schools in both Brunei and Hong Kong.

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